

A week of superstars and pianos!

What a week (and I don’t just mean the politics). It began with delivering a Feurich grand piano to Emeli Sande, included the Royal Birmingham Ballet rehearsing at Henry Wood Hall and ended viewing a beautiful Gaveau grand piano in …


Praise for Feurich at Abbey Road

I’m at Abbey Road studios tuning the Feurich 122 upright piano. I met Carlos Lellis, course leader for the Abbey Road Institute, the educational arm of Abbey Road Studios. He said everybody loves playing the Feurich when they come into …


Celebrity Bosendorfers

In the  1970s and 1980s it was de rigeur to buy a Bosendorfer grand piano if you had made it in the pop world. If you had a hundred grand to spend and a big space then there was nothing …


Virtual Tour of Abbey Road Studios

On the subject of Abbey Road you can now take a virtual tour of Abbey Road Studios, thanks to Google combining forces with the producer Giles Martin. I have tuned pianos for both Giles and his now sadly departed father …


Abbey Road Institute

We are providing a lovely Feurich piano for the Abbey Road Institute, the educational institute for sound recording and engineering located at the world famous Abbey Road Studios.



Wagner’s Rinse Cycle!

Wagner’s Ring cycle conditioned with comedy and shrunk to 2 hours! We are providing a grand piano for the Rinse Cycle, currently in rehearsals at the Charing Cross Theatre, which runs 15 Feb-12 March. Award-winning Unexpected Opera are promising to …


Prince Charles at Wilton’s Music Hall

Interested to read about Prince Charles and Camilla’s visit to Wilton’s Music Hall, the world’s last surviving music hall, which is tucked away in Grace’s Alley, off Cable Street in London’s East End. So that’s why they wanted the piano …


Walter fortepiano at Wigmore Hall

Our Walter-McNulty fortepiano is in action with Kris Bezuidenhout directing the English Concert at the Wigmore Hall tonight. Here’s a picture of today’s rehearsal. Earlier in the week Kris was playing the Heilmann fortepiano at the BBC’s In Tune Studios!…


Piano tuning

How often does my piano need tuning? The answer depends on the piano, its environment and how much it is played, but as a rough guide, you should have a piano used in a domestic setting tuned at least once …


Piano rental for Piaf show

We are providing a Feurich model 161 grand piano for the excellent Piaf show at Charing Cross Theatre, which coincides with the centenary of Edith Piaf’s birth!
